The following are selected
Greek/English Interlinear-Bible verses
of the New Testament
First Corinthians 6:9-10
First Corinthians 6:15
First Corinthians 7:1
First Corinthians 7:5
First Timothy 1:10
First Timothy 2:9
First Timothy 2:15
First Timothy 5:2
First Timothy 5:14
First John 1:1
First John 5:7
Short Interlinear-Greek/English New-Testament Text
Short Interlinear-Greek/English New-Testament Passage Hotlinks
Augustana Hymns-Scores Notation
Augustana Hymns-Scores Hotlinks
It was deplorable enough that the hateful and
deceptively-wicked, Kenyan-not-Hawaiian-born, islamic/catholic-cultic,
fake-and-pseudo-"christian," diabolically-subversive niggar Barack Hussein
Obama infested the White House for eight devastatingly-destructive
years...but FAR worse than half of all nationwide voters voted for him in
2008, which half compounded their satanically-driven anti-Biblical
rebellion by voting for him again in 2012.
Many of those are more and more openly expressing their continuing
pro-feminist-sexist, pro-homogay, pro-choice-for-abortion, pro-evolutionist,
increasingly-violent contempt against true righteousness by their hostile
vitriol against Trump and associates.
So far, a widespread bloody civil war similar to what happened in the 1850s
and 1860s has largely been avoided, because everyone is directly or
indirectly busy laying the groundwork for the phenomenal occurrence of what
has been prophesied in the New Testament book of Revelation (chapters 13
through 20).
[ Images For Hotlinks Below Available to View at Either OR ]
Genesis 1:12-19.....(No Big Bang)
Genesis 1:21-25.....(No Mutations)
Exodus 20:11.....(No Mega-million-Year Age of Earth or Universe)
Leviticus 20:13.....(Execute Homosodomites)
Leviticus 21:13-14.....(Pope Should Marry a Virgin)
Numbers 5:18.....(Loosened-Hair Shame)
Deuteronomy 32:42.....(Execute Long-hairs)
1 Samuel 15:1-3.....(No-Compromise Execution)
1 Samuel 15:28.....(Punishment for Compromise)
2 Samuel 13:18.....(Long-Sleeved, not Multicolored Gowns)
2 Samuel 6:20-23.....(Retaliation for Ridicule)
1 Kings 2:8-9.....(Indirect Retaliation for Slander)
Job 11:12.....(No Evolutionary Mutations)
Job 31:1.....(No Peepshow Porn Viewing)
Proverbs 20:19.....(Stay Away from Gossipers)
Proverbs 23:9.....(Don't Talk to Fools)
Proverbs 29:1.....(Gone Too Far)
Ecclesiastes 7:27-28.....(Not One Trustworthy
Woman Around)
Song of Solomon 2:14.....(No Need for
Female-to-Male Newscasters)
Song of Solomon 7:5.....(Only a Bride's
Private Mopheadedness is OK)
Isaiah 3:12.....(Vengeful Exposure of Female
Private Parts)
Isaiah 47:1-3.....(Vengeful Exposure of
Shamefully-Bared Legs)
Isaiah 57:8.....(No Extramaritally Bedding
Anyone Naked)
Jeremiah 1:5.....(No Murdering Sacred Fetus
in Womb)
Jeremiah 2:25.....(Keep Female Feet Covered
in Public)
Jeremiah 6:14.....(Deceitful Wimpish Clergy
and Others)
Nahum 3:13.....(No Female Soldiers Weakening
Male Troop)
Amos 7:6.....(Don't Suppress Preachers)
Matthew 5:28.....(Don't Look for Live nor
Media Porn)
Matthew 10:34.....(Jesus, the Holy Terrorist,
not Wimp)
Matthew 12:7.....(Don't Judge Innocent
Matthew 23:15.....(Indoctrinating Heretics)
Matthew 25:46.....(Everlasting Punishment in
Matthew 25:30.....(The Outer Darkness)
Luke 1:31.....(Son, not Abortable Fetus)
Luke 1:44.....(Preborn Babe, not Abortable
Luke 2:12.....(Manger Babe to Not Be Murdered
by Infanticide)
Luke 16:23.....(Hades)
Luke 16:24.....(Tormenting Flames of Hades)
Luke 16:26.....(Inescapable Hades, and No
Romans 1:18.....(Wrath Against Religious Right
Romans 1:19-21.....(Why Atheists Are Fools)
Romans 1:26-27.....(Punishing Unnatural
Acts 4:12.....(Jesus Only Name Which Saves)
1 Corinthians 6:9.....(Only One True God)
1 Corinthians 11:15-16.....(Female Loose Long
Hair Inadequate as Prayer Veil)
1 Corinthians 11:19.....(Divisions from
1 Corinthians 14:34-35.....(No Women Speaking
in Church Services)
1 Corinthians 15:39.....(Non-Evolutionary
Different DNA for Various Lifeforms)
2 Corinthians 6:14-17.....(Don't Marry
Ephesians 5:4-7.....(Shun Punishable
Indecencies and Fool Talk)
Ephesians 5:11-12.....(Expose What is Shameful)
Ephesians 5:33.....(Wife Must Respect Her
Philippians 2:10.....(Jesus the Only True God)
Colossians 1:12-20.....(The Son of God Aways
Existed, Eternally)
Colossians 1:17.....(Jesus Holds His Universe
1 Thessalonians 2:13.....(The Bible is More
Than Men's Words)
1 Thessalonians 4:9-12.....(Be Dependent on
2 Thessalonians 1:9.....(Eternal Destruction,
Not Annihilation)
1 Timothy 2:12-14.....(Women Should Not Teach
nor Lead Men)
1 Timothy 3:2.....(No Polygamy for Bishops)
1 Timothy 3:12.....(No Harems for Deacons)
1 Timothy 6:20.....(Evolution is Not Science)
2 Timothy 2:15.....(Rightly Handle Word of
2 Timothy 3:1-9.....(Avoid Troublemakers
Shown to Be Such)
2 Timothy 3:12-16.....(Stay With Scripture,
Not Deviations)
2 Timothy 4:3.....(Apostates Will Get Itching
Hebrews 1:1-10.....(The Son of God is God,
and Created Heavens and Earth)
Hebrews 6:4-6.....(Backsliders Cannot Repent)
Hebrews 10:26-29.....(No Reconciliation for
Former Christians)
2 Peter 1:16-21.....(Divine, Not Human,
Origin of Scripture & Prophecy)
2 Peter 2:10.....(The Insolent Revile
Glorious Ones)
Revelation 2:20.....(Omens Against
Lust-Causing Evil Women)
Revelation 12:10.....(Satan is Always
Accusing the Saints)
Revelation 14:10.....(Eternal Torment Against
Satan Worshippers)
Revelation 14:11.....(Everlasting Torture
Against Beast Worshippers)
Revelation 20:10-15.....(Eternal Torture
Against Satan and His Followers)
Specific Biblical Basis
For Female-Human Body-Parts Public Modesty