Bible Doctrine


Is God's love for penitent obedient humans UNCONDITIONAL? WILL He, in Divine Love, save those who unrelentingly disobey and permanently hate Him?

Is a Christian's love for God unconditional?

Can a Christian who chooses to love and obey God suddenly and permanently choose to persistently disobey and hate God? Would they never have really become a Christian in the first place if they choose heretical desertion? Why would he or she do that?

Those are not the questions to ask. Rather: CAN, not WILL, they do such unrelenting rebellious apostasy with their freewilled choice? Explore

Do God, Satan, and we humans FOREVER retain free wills to choose? WILL, not simply, CAN, God choose to lie, and WILL, not simply CAN, Satan choose to repent -- in contrast to WILL, not simply CAN, we humans choose to permanently hate and disobey God?

The Bible indicates that:

(1) forever-blest God WILL not lie, in that He DOES not lie (Titus 1:2), and is IMPOSSIBLE for Him to lie (Hebrews 6:18) because - logically - according to Scripture He DOES not lie and WILL not lie.

(2) forever-cursed and Biblically-prophesied-eternal-damnation Satan, WILL never repent (2nd Thessalonians 1:9, Rev 14:10-11), thus by semantical Scriptural association the Devil DOES not nor WILL not repent . . . and

(3) that we saints, IF suddenly and forever WILLFULLY choose to IRREVOCABLY hate and disobey God AND His Law (which we suddenly and permanently CAN, perhaps WILL, then consequentially DO), will have our names forever blotted out of the Book of Life (Matthew 25:41 and 46, Revelation 20:15)?

From what we humans know from the Judeo-Christian (Old-and-New-Testaments) Holy Bible, all humans (including those who have lived and died, are living now and will die, and those who will live and will die) have existed, are existing, and will exist in a one-time-temporarily-existing unique physical environment which did not always exist in eternity past nor will always exist in eternity future, which logically and obviously did not create itself. (Genesis 1-5, Second Peter 3, Revelation 20-22).

Not only will both Gentile and Jewish saints, rather than previously being Raptured up, be persecuted during The 42-month Great Tribulation (Revelation 13:10) but some will be executed by beheading (Revelation 20:4-5). Instead of escape by fear-and-cowardice-based imaginary Rapture before Armageddon iy behooves all to prepare to die, being that all humans are mortal.

That environment came into existence out of nothing except the will and word of the freewilled Creator God (who has been Biblically revealed to us humans being comprised of the freewilled Trinitarian Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), environment notably constructed by the Son of God (Isaiah 9:6, Proverbs 30:4, John 1, Colossians 1, Hebrews 1) eventually incarnated into the freewilled God-man Jesus Christ at a specific time by a certain human (Matthew 1, Luke 1-3) and geographical location in human history (Galatians 4:4-5) . . . which environment will, in the future, cease to exist by the will and word of the same Creator God, after which a new environment will exist, populated by redeemed obedient indestructible humans with supernatural bodies (Hebrews 7:16).

From what we know from Scripture, "Heaven" existed before Earth and before the entire contents of the human-senses-perceived physical Universe, within which whatever immeasurable beyond-human-limitation space-and-time entity that was, is, and will be, temporarily resided God-created beings who have been identified to us as free-willed Satan and his formerly-angelic demons, now disobedient-to-God freewilled rebel beings, who from their inception and exclusion-from-Heaven ouster onward (Isaiah 14:12, Luke 10:18, Revelation 12) will always exist, though not forever interact among and against free-willed temporarily-temptations-susceptible humans who existed, are existing, and will exist.

Though we know that horrible "Hades" and wonderful "Paradise" now exist (Luke 16:23, Luke 23:43, Revelation 20) as temporary residential environments for deceased forever-cursed and forever-blest freewilled humans, respectively, it is not known from the Bible whether the invisibly-flaming "Lake of Fire and Brimstone" (i.e. "Hell" and "Second Death") (Matthew 18:8, 25:41, 2nd Thessalonians 1:9, Jude 1:7, Revelation 14 and 19:20-20:15) always existed simultaneous with no-temptation-present-nor-allowed-therein "Heaven" but we at least know that it definitely will exist as the permanent punishing environment of confinement and incarceration into which freewilled Satan, freewilled demons, and also forever-damned freewilled disobedient humans will forever reside and therein be eternally tortured.

There will be NO Rapture of Church saints until AFTER the coming Millennium (read all of Revelation chapter 20) until the instant the heavens and Earth are dissolved in fervent heat (read all of Second Peter chapter 3).

The "Restraining Power" preventing "the Man of Lawlessness" (read all of Second Thessalonians chapter 2) from being fully established does NOT include any non-Biblically-based/fear-of-persecution-sourced presumption of escape-up-into-the-sky Rapture before, during, nor near the pre-Millennial end of the 42-month Tribulation at Christ's Armageddon-located (bodily) Return (read all of Revelation chapters 13 and 14) . . . but instead has happened, is happening, and will happen because of many other suppressing-Christianity/thwarting-morality factors (such as natural death of saints along with their property and monetary resources, loss of jobs and income, denial of tenures and promotions, election defeats, financially-devastating lawsuits, restrictive zoning and taxes imposed for expensive community development projects, improper gendering and feminist rulership, antisocial Covid-excused/related disassociations, media-imposed reputation defamations, BLM and Antifa activism and vandalism, anti-evangelicals/anti-conservatives Big Tech censorship, etc.).

ONLY ONE Rapture of LIVING saints (1st Cor 4:15-17) combined with THE twinkling-of-an-eye INSTANTANEOUS General Resurrection (1st Cor 15:51-52) of BOTH godly AND godless (Rev 20:11-15) will occur AFTER THE Millennium promptly as Earth is dissolved in fervent heat (2nd Peter 3) followed by ONLY ONE Matthew-25-mentioned "sheep-with-goats" Final Judgment. Kammie as VP?

All secular governments of history and the present who sought and seek unity, eventually morph into self-destructive wickedness, not merely as nebulous-to-vaguely-define-and-differentiate "liberals" vs "conservatives," "progressives" vs "traditionist/digressive," "left" vs "right, "Tories" vs "Whigs," even democrats" vs "republicans" -- whether, for example, Russia internally consolidated under atheistic/anti-Judeo-Christian Soviet communism, Germany internally consolidated under antisemitic/anti-Judeo-Christian nazism, China consolidated under anti-Judeo-Christian Chinese communism.

So it has and continues to happen in 2020-2021 America, merging essentially-similar ubiquously-paranoid-facemasks-bound republicans and democrats, and now with dems controlling both houses of congress with proposed-to-be dem-prez Fraudulent Joey and inferior-gender Kammiegirl VP (defiant against affadivited eyewitnesses legally testifying to Bidenite balloting-shenanigans and observers-excluded fraud), into an impossible-to-actually-attain attempted-all-americans-cooperatively-merged-together demublican party of lawless, feminist-sexist, homogay, abortion-choice, evolution-not-creationist, blacks-pandering, nanobots-immunized, anti-Biblical-Christian despisers and revilers increasingly and blatantly having as their common enemy genuine-justice-and-morality Scriptural-Christian diehards.

Apart from our brave legitimate President Trump and properly-titled legitimate Senators and Representatives supporting him while objecting to balloting-fraud-Bidenite-electors certification (in stark contrast to now-title-less last-name-only charletan congresspersons who fearfully support as fake a cheater president as Kenyan-born Obama), what occurred in the Capital on Wednesday the 6th concerning Bidenites and their patsies who got away with actual but denied or ignored balloting-shenanigans fraud lawlessness imposed by secs of state, govs, atty generals and courts not authorized to manipulate legislature election laws thus destroying national voter confidence, indicates that we have definitely already entered into the early antichrist scenario described in Second Thessalonians chapter 2 and even proceeding into that described in Revelation chapters 13 and beyond, where those supporting Biblical morality and common-sense law and order along with the true Christ they espouse will continue to be labeled by Big Tech, CNN, MSNBC, FOX, msn news, yahoo news, apnews, chron, mediaite, politico, thehill, axios, natl review, stamford advocate, Wash Post, Drudge, etc. "uncooperative tards and dangerous traitors."

. . . which blasphemous revilers are described in Revelation 17:14 of the Bible as those who "make war on the Lamb, [but] the Lamb will conquer them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those with Him are called and chosen and faithful," inflicting persecution on righteous saints who are "called to endure" as "those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus." (Revelation 14:12) per:

Fully explore:



THE QUESTOR TAPES (similar to 666-Image-Predicted robot Data on Picard's Star Trek Next Generation):


Should God be Attributed with Male or Female Gender?

The Legacy of Rev Dr Jack van Impe

The Westcott-Hort/Nestle Greek text of Luke 23:42 is incorrect, being the English-equivalent word "Lord" (κυριε) is omitted in the RSV/NIV-and-others English-mistranslated rendition stating:

and he said to him, Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.

Latin Vulgate [correct] 23:42 et dicebat ad Iesum Domine memento mei cum veneris in regnum tuum

King James Version [correct] 23:42 And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.

American Standard Version [INCORRECT] 23:42 And he said, Jesus, remember me when thou comest in thy kingdom.

Bible in Basic English [INCORRECT] 23:42 And he said, Jesus, keep me in mind when you come in your kingdom.

Darby's English Translation [correct] 23:42 And he said to Jesus, Remember me, Lord, when thou comest in thy kingdom.

Douay Rheims [correct] 23:42 And he said to Jesus: Lord, remember me when thou shalt come into thy kingdom.

Noah Webster Bible [correct] 23:42 And he said to Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.

- Daniel Roy Bloomquist, S.T.D. (Doctor of Sacred Theology, Honorary) (Hebrew-Greek-English Interlinear Bible)

The use of addressing some person with a pronoun incompatible with their birth/biological gender is of homosexual intention, specifically violating the anti-effeminate/anti-sodomite anti-homosexuals exclusion-from-the-kingdom-of-God Scripture of First Corinthians 6:9-10 (KJV/NKJV).

Because of Bible-based correct interpretation and application of the Non-Establishment/Non-Prohibition Clauses of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, all Americans have a First Amendment constitutional religious right to address female humans with female-gender pronouns (e.g. she, her, and hers) and male humans with male-gender pronouns (e.g. he, him, and his), congruent with whether the person addressed was born with a penis or instead a vagina, as to whatever the human thing, it, object, entity, or creature began to urinate out of -- realizing that the currently-worded Federal Civil Rights Act does not impose mandatory non-discrimination on the basis of homosexual sexual orientation nor homosexual gender identity, related to a common-sense understanding of Leviticus 20:13, Romans 1:18-28, and First Corinthians 6:9-10 (KJV & NKJV).

The terms "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" are not currently in the federal Civil Rights Act concerning illegal discrimination, which Act has Bonafide Occupational Qualification exceptions for religious entities (among others such as military and more) involving hiring, housing, employment, and other money-related matters.

For example, the Act does not, for religious or military leadership and authority positions, mandate pre-teen youth age, women "sex" (i.e. gender), those having an overthrow-America creed, nor the disabled to be clergy against (not "for") such constitutionally-allowed religions as Biblical Protestant or Catholic Christianity, Biblical Judaism, and Bible-qualified Islam.

Thus, no one has a right to force anyone to address anyone else with a gender pronoun incompatible with what is clearly reasonable declaration as to obvious and essentially non-alterable (especially as to DNA genetic structure) physiological male or female gender characteristics and/or against compliance with biological gender indicated on a legal birth certificate.

Use if the words "they" and "them" are not necessarily intended only for plural persons, but useful in cases where the male or female gender is not known, or is applicable to both genders as eternal-souls-possessing human persons (without any homosexual transgender implications).

To wit, the New-Testament Greek word root "anthr(o)pos" applies to both genders, even though that word is lamentably and incorrectly mistranslated "man" inferring merely male designation (i.e. "Humans [not "man"] shall not live by bread alone").

The difference between how a man contrasted to how a woman operates:  a man concentrates hard on one thing at a time, while a woman has her mind on many things, without dwelling on only one for long.  Each has advantages.

It is impossible for same-gender persons to be Married to each other. Then can, however, be Bonded. Any ritual or ceremony celebrating such a same-gender bonding is properly termed a Bonding, not Wedding. Same-gender couples, therefore, can bond, but cannot marry each other.

The partners in a homosexual bonding, formed and maintained with the intention of committing rather than performing not fornication, but instead homosodomy, are not considered spouses, nor husband nor wife, but simply homosodomy partners or a homosodomy couple.

It has been said that one way to detect whether a large-denomination money bill is genuine is to feel the contrast with a counterfeit one.
Not only will embedded holograms in the fake bill usually be missing, but the feel of the "paper" of the real bill is different than that of the fake bill,
being that the real bill is actually a secret type of linen or fabric instead of mere paper.

However, that is not to say that the only way to really appreciate good is to discover, know, experience, suffer from, and compare evil.
In other words, do evil that good may come? Or, only by being persecuted are we atoned for and saved?

Whatever the case, there are two similar passages related to the New Testament of the Holy Bible.
See if you can discern and determine which one looks more like authentic Scripture:

#1 = Romans 8:2-4? The redemptive grace of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the flesh of sin and death,
because what the flesh could not do, weak as it was because of the law, God did . . . so that the righteous requirement of faith
might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the law but according to the Spirit.

#2 = Romans 8:2-4? The redemptive law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death,
because what the law could not do, weak as it was because of the flesh, God did . . . so that the righteous requirement of the law
might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.

High School Graduation-Test Final Exam

No Choice: Dangers of "Original Sin" Theology

FEAR of God?

CRULES (Control Rules)

A Secular Analysis of Origins

The Upcoming Millennial Rule


Dramatic Reading of the entire Song of Solomon

Body Show

Who is God?

Original Sin Nature?

Cateresy: Atonement by Ingesting Eucharist?

Why Believe the Bible?

NO "Purgatory"!

Embracing the marvelous, wonderful, and phenomenally-restorative forgiveness/atonement-against-sins-because-of-Christ's-bloody-lethal-crucifixion gospel does not remove our obligation to perfectly obey the moral Law 24/7 for salvation.

All our own lesser previous-animal/contrite-humbleness/thanksgiving/praise sacrifices (which can never atone against sins) are merely expression of our desire to get right with God.
But THE ONLY sacrifice which atones against our sins (plus absolves and abrogates them) is Christ's own fatal sacrifice of Himself on a cross.

Being that true repentance involves intention to never sin again, we look forward to our deaths which will cause us to actually never sin again because of non-solicited outside-based temptations and deprivations.
Upon being dead, we do not expect to be freed from forever obeying the Law, but instead
being eternally freed from being seduced and harassed by evil ones.


Which to Wear: hijab, niqab, chador, or burka?

Stephen Paulus - Pilgrims' Hymn (with score)

The Road Home - Stephen Paulus

Free Will & Blood Sacrifice?

Yet Under The Law, but Not for Sin Atonement

Three Heresies Refuted

Rong Term: "palestinians"

Love Hate

Credibility of Common Sense Science

Navy Hymn

The Glory of the Cross

Cleansing Fountain

Louis Vierne - Messe solennelle en do# mineur - Kyrie

Pilgrim's Hymn (Stephen Paulus)

He Who Shall Endure to the End (Mendelssohn)

Alleluia (Randall Thompson)

Salvation is Created (Pavel Tchesnokov)

Oasis (Maynard Ferguson)

Eiger Sanction (John Williams)

Breath of Stillness

Flos Campi (Flower of the Field, R W Williams)

Dirait on "Les Chansons des Roses" - Morten Lauridsen

Julian Bream | Recuerdos de la Alhambra, Francisco Tárrega

David Russell (Recuerdos de la Alhambra, Francisco Tárrega

Recuerdos de la Alhambra, Cordoba Series Torres Model

Gary Clark Jr. - 12 Bar Blues-Jam @Jam'in'Berlin

Gary Clark Jr. & Junkie XL - Come Together (Justice League)

Louis Vierne Toccata, B flat minor (Peter Bengtson, Organ)

Vierne Toccata B-Moll (Bernhard Hirzberger)

Vincent Dubois - Louis Vierne - Toccata Op. 53 No. 6

Ode to Joy (9th Symphony - Beethoven)

Gloria (Missa Solemnis - Beethoven)

Hoedown (Aaron Copland)

Concrete and Steel (ZZ Top)

Foreigner - "Urgent"

Common Sense Science Hotlinks

Roy Moore and the Election of December 2017

Those who despise logical and appropriate "proof-texting" are
anti-associated-Scripture goofs and Hell-bound heretics.

One does not alleviate another person's headache by
kicking them in the shins or punching them in the stomach ....

. . . or condemning the precise and direct application of them ingesting ibuprofen.

Nor does one treat a diseased appendix by surgically removing an arm or leg,
or by trimming fingernails.

Law to Save?

Trust God?

Pa - NOT Ma!

Martin Luther and the Jews

Comparison of Various Bible-Verse Wording in Different Bible Translations

All-Season Public-Modesty Dress Code


Should Christians Moderately and Occasionally Drink Wine?

Common-Core? March-for-Science? High-School Graduation Final Exam

The Big Three:

Mate Prep
Mate Exam
Mate Cert


Greek/English Interlinear-Bible Verses

The following are selected
Greek/English Interlinear-Bible verses
of the New Testament

First Corinthians 6:9-10

First Corinthians 6:15

First Corinthians 7:1

First Corinthians 7:5

First Timothy 1:10

First Timothy 2:9

First Timothy 2:15

First Timothy 5:2

First Timothy 5:14

First John 1:1

First John 5:7


Short Interlinear-Greek/English New-Testament Text

Short Interlinear-Greek/English New-Testament Passage Hotlinks

Augustana Hymns-Scores Notation

Augustana Hymns-Scores Hotlinks

It was deplorable enough that the hateful and deceptively-wicked, Kenyan-not-Hawaiian-born, islamic/catholic-cultic, fake-and-pseudo-"christian," diabolically-subversive niggar Barack Hussein Obama infested the White House for eight devastatingly-destructive years...but FAR worse than half of all nationwide voters voted for him in 2008, which half compounded their satanically-driven anti-Biblical rebellion by voting for him again in 2012.

Many of those are more and more openly expressing their continuing pro-feminist-sexist, pro-homogay, pro-choice-for-abortion, pro-evolutionist, increasingly-violent contempt against true righteousness by their hostile vitriol against Trump and associates.

So far, a widespread bloody civil war similar to what happened in the 1850s and 1860s has largely been avoided, because everyone is directly or indirectly busy laying the groundwork for the phenomenal occurrence of what has been prophesied in the New Testament book of Revelation (chapters 13 through 20).

[ Images For Hotlinks Below Available to View at Either OR ]

Genesis 1:12-19
.....(No Big Bang)
Genesis 1:21-25.....(No Mutations)

Exodus 20:11.....(No Mega-million-Year Age of Earth or Universe)

Leviticus 20:13.....(Execute Homosodomites)
Leviticus 21:13-14.....(Pope Should Marry a Virgin)

Numbers 5:18.....(Loosened-Hair Shame)

Deuteronomy 32:42.....(Execute Long-hairs)

1 Samuel 15:1-3.....(No-Compromise Execution)
1 Samuel 15:28.....(Punishment for Compromise)

2 Samuel 13:18.....(Long-Sleeved, not Multicolored Gowns)
2 Samuel 6:20-23.....(Retaliation for Ridicule)

1 Kings 2:8-9.....(Indirect Retaliation for Slander)

Job 11:12.....(No Evolutionary Mutations)
Job 31:1.....(No Peepshow Porn Viewing)

Proverbs 20:19.....(Stay Away from Gossipers)
Proverbs 23:9.....(Don't Talk to Fools)
Proverbs 29:1.....(Gone Too Far)

Ecclesiastes 7:27-28.....(Not One Trustworthy Woman Around)

Song of Solomon 2:14.....(No Need for Female-to-Male Newscasters)
Song of Solomon 7:5.....(Only a Bride's Private Mopheadedness is OK)

Isaiah 3:12.....(Vengeful Exposure of Female Private Parts)
Isaiah 47:1-3.....(Vengeful Exposure of Shamefully-Bared Legs)
Isaiah 57:8.....(No Extramaritally Bedding Anyone Naked)

Jeremiah 1:5.....(No Murdering Sacred Fetus in Womb)
Jeremiah 2:25.....(Keep Female Feet Covered in Public)
Jeremiah 6:14.....(Deceitful Wimpish Clergy and Others)

Nahum 3:13.....(No Female Soldiers Weakening Male Troop)

Amos 7:6.....(Don't Suppress Preachers)

Matthew 5:28.....(Don't Look for Live nor Media Porn)
Matthew 10:34.....(Jesus, the Holy Terrorist, not Wimp)
Matthew 12:7.....(Don't Judge Innocent Christians)
Matthew 23:15.....(Indoctrinating Heretics)
Matthew 25:46.....(Everlasting Punishment in Hell)
Matthew 25:30.....(The Outer Darkness)

Luke 1:31.....(Son, not Abortable Fetus)
Luke 1:44.....(Preborn Babe, not Abortable Fetus)
Luke 2:12.....(Manger Babe to Not Be Murdered by Infanticide)
Luke 16:23.....(Hades)
Luke 16:24.....(Tormenting Flames of Hades)
Luke 16:26.....(Inescapable Hades, and No Purgatory)

Romans 1:18.....(Wrath Against Religious Right Suppressors)
Romans 1:19-21.....(Why Atheists Are Fools)
Romans 1:26-27.....(Punishing Unnatural Homosexuals)

Acts 4:12.....(Jesus Only Name Which Saves)

1 Corinthians 6:9.....(Only One True God)
1 Corinthians 11:15-16.....(Female Loose Long Hair Inadequate as Prayer Veil)
1 Corinthians 11:19.....(Divisions from Apostates)
1 Corinthians 14:34-35.....(No Women Speaking in Church Services)
1 Corinthians 15:39.....(Non-Evolutionary Different DNA for Various Lifeforms)

2 Corinthians 6:14-17.....(Don't Marry Disbelievers)

Ephesians 5:4-7.....(Shun Punishable Indecencies and Fool Talk)
Ephesians 5:11-12.....(Expose What is Shameful)
Ephesians 5:33.....(Wife Must Respect Her Husband)

Philippians 2:10.....(Jesus the Only True God)

Colossians 1:12-20.....(The Son of God Aways Existed, Eternally)
Colossians 1:17.....(Jesus Holds His Universe Together)

1 Thessalonians 2:13.....(The Bible is More Than Men's Words)
1 Thessalonians 4:9-12.....(Be Dependent on Nobody)

2 Thessalonians 1:9.....(Eternal Destruction, Not Annihilation)

1 Timothy 2:12-14.....(Women Should Not Teach nor Lead Men)
1 Timothy 3:2.....(No Polygamy for Bishops)
1 Timothy 3:12.....(No Harems for Deacons)
1 Timothy 6:20.....(Evolution is Not Science)

2 Timothy 2:15.....(Rightly Handle Word of Truth)
2 Timothy 3:1-9.....(Avoid Troublemakers Shown to Be Such)
2 Timothy 3:12-16.....(Stay With Scripture, Not Deviations)
2 Timothy 4:3.....(Apostates Will Get Itching Ears)

Hebrews 1:1-10.....(The Son of God is God, and Created Heavens and Earth)
Hebrews 6:4-6.....(Backsliders Cannot Repent)
Hebrews 10:26-29.....(No Reconciliation for Former Christians)

2 Peter 1:16-21.....(Divine, Not Human, Origin of Scripture & Prophecy)
2 Peter 2:10.....(The Insolent Revile Glorious Ones)

Revelation 2:20.....(Omens Against Lust-Causing Evil Women)
Revelation 12:10.....(Satan is Always Accusing the Saints)
Revelation 14:10.....(Eternal Torment Against Satan Worshippers)
Revelation 14:11.....(Everlasting Torture Against Beast Worshippers)
Revelation 20:10-15.....(Eternal Torture Against Satan and His Followers)

Specific Biblical Basis For Female-Human Body-Parts Public Modesty